

Sara from 3º C wants to share with you a song by Holly McNarland. Listen to it here. If you want to see the lyrics, click here



Hi! We're students of the Puga Ramón High School and we're corresponding with boys and girls of the Northern Adirondack Central High School. They're from Adirondack, a place very near of Canada. They tell us their likes and dislikes, their hobbies, what sports they are doing... The majority of boys practice baseball and American football, and the girls practice volleyball and they're cheerleaders. We're thinking about doing a video showing our high school: the classes, the students, the environment… but nothing is official. We've already sent our answers to their letters and we're hoping they like them :)

Northern Adirondack Central High School

Rocío (4º A)


Meet your classmates in 3º C

If you want to laugh for a while listening to the students of 3º C ESO, click here ...
Lucía Solano (3º C)


TV Shop

Have a look at the TV Shop commercial some students in 4 ESO created time ago.
Enjoy it!


The beginning

Here starts this blog, where students at Rafael Puga Ramón will have the opportunity to express themselves in English, and share things outside the English classroom. If you have something to say, just get in touch and we'll do our best.